We turn your needs into your gains

And try to make the world better along the way.

Cadissi is your partner in achieveing the great online presence and better business results.

Our mission is to work together with our clients in building digital solutions. We do this to provide clients with better business results and generally build a better society by sharing knowledge of the right ways and good practices.

The 4 things we value

Client focus

We want to make sure our clients understand the needs of their market and what is the best way to respond to it.


Honesty and respect for all the individuals is what drives our work. We expect the same from everyone else.


You can always expect us to operate in a professional manner in our actions towards clients, other stakeholders and each other.

Community service

Our goal is to gradually transform the knowledge about digital products among many industries by teaching them the right ways.

How do we work?

Research based

Every suggestion we make has a base in some kind of research. Be it market research, UX/UI research, competition or process analysis... We’ll gladly share all our findings with you.

Challenging everything

“We know”, rather than “We think”.  If we’re not sure, we check and get back to you with data driven findings. Expect to resolve all your doubts and questions.

Always in your favour

Everything we do and suggest is in your best interest. Integrity and honesty are what drives us in our relations with our clients and coworkers.

Weekly meetings

We internally operate with weekly meetings regarding all our work. We try to have the similar practice with our clients because it brings additional value to the process for both sides.

Iterative process

Iterative project processes are what enable being on track with the quality and satisfaction of our clients. That’s why we ask for continuous feedback.

Creative workshops

How can we grasp all the market needs? With data-driven ideas, we aim to sync with all the expectations from clients, users, and other project stakeholders.

Contact us with an idea. We will turn it into an outstanding project.

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